Men's File/Clutch Launch Party

The pages of the magazine come to life.

Outside The Real McCoy's

Outside The Real McCoy's

On a cold London evening, it was great to see so many impeccably dressed people turn out at this event, held between three stores on Henrietta St in Covent Garden. The three outlets hosting the occasion were The Real McCoy's, Nigel Cabourn and Edwin

Inside The Real McCoy's

Inside The Real McCoy's

The party goers' attention to detail in their clothes and look was impressive. Everyone was friendly and happy to be there in their acutely considered clothes. It was a pleasure checking out what everyone was wearing. 

The Real McCoy's Peacoat in the background is going straight onto The Obsessive's 'to buy' list..

The Real McCoy's Peacoat in the background is going straight onto The Obsessive's 'to buy' list..

Friend, and fellow obsessive, Andy, enjoying a beer at McCoy's

Friend, and fellow obsessive, Andy, enjoying a beer at McCoy's

I was glad that earlier in the day I'd popped into Andreas Sallas for a fresh Flat Top, as the quality of the male grooming was of an exceptional standard. There were hairstyles from almost every decade up to the '70s. The women all looked glamorous, whether their inspiration was the '30s, or '50s rockabilly.

Nigel Cabourn store was heaving.

Nigel Cabourn store was heaving.

Plenty of stylish headwear.

Plenty of stylish headwear.

Nigel Cabourn store 

Nigel Cabourn store 

After The Real McCoy's, we trundled over to the Nigel Cabourn store, which was heaving. Nevertheless, we managed a quick chat with photographer and the editor-in-chief of Men's File, Nick Clements. Nick is a fellow obsessive, and should be credited for identifying and promoting the revisionist movement. He's been a supporter of The Obsessive since we first met in '09, when I shared the concept; he then kindly asked me to write for the first two editions of Men's File. 

With Nick Clements 

With Nick Clements 

The Nigel Cabourn store is a dangerous place for an obsessive, as it's tempting to buy everything in sight; in fact, you feel the urge to live your life in the Cabourn style. The clothes are of an exceptional quality in design, material and manufacture. This, of course, is reflected in the price, but every garment is an investment, and is going to last a life time. Old principles, but good ones.

Wicker glider, Mallory classic jacket and Antarctic Parkas hanging on the wall.

Wicker glider, Mallory classic jacket and Antarctic Parkas hanging on the wall.

Time to go..

Time to go..

Unfortunately, we didn't manage to get to the Edwin store because, all too soon, it was time to take Andy up to Marylebone station for his train home. After dropping him off, I drove home in the cozy cab of 249 through my beloved North London. Everything was beginning to freeze as the temperature dropped: what a wonderful evening.

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